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Children's Church

This is a fun and safe place for children to experience God’s love. Our programs include bible stories, prayer, and worship. The atmosphere is filled with spirit, warmth, and love for the future of our congregation. Your children will make life-long friendships with the foundation of God’s love and Calvary memories.


Children’s Church meets every 2nd, 3rd, 4th Sunday of the month at 11:30am in the education building.


Our Teen Reality class encompasses Junior High and High School students. We help prepare our youth for the next stage of their lives. We worship and pray, play games, sports, and music, and learn about the uncompromised word of God. We offer support to our young people during what can be a difficult time in their lives, and introduce the value and pride in giving back to our church and community.



Our community of women come together to support one another through the difficulties of their-day-to-day while celebrating milestones and accomplishments. Together, we progress towards learning more about God’s will, God’s place in our lives, and how we can find support in each other.

JOIN US: Every first and third Thursday at 6:30pm on Zoom

Meeting ID: 280 029 5968

PW: 124586


We grow in our faith together, become better examples for our families together, and share our blessings together.
This ministry lifts up our community of men and shows them how to be the best version of themselves.

JOIN US at: Every first and third Thursday at 6:00 pm in the educational building

CEC en Español

We celebrate our heritage while growing in our faith. Through worship, prayer, community meals, and more, we build relationships that strengthen each other.

 Celebramos nuestra herencia mientras crecemos en nuestra fe. A través de la adoración, la oración, las comidas comunitarias y más cosas, construimos relaciones que nos fortalecen mutuamente.

JOIN US at: Sundays at 11:00am
Únete a nosotros, los domingos a las once de la mañana.

Change Classes

We value the opportunity to align every willing individual to what we believe and who we believe in. Change classes are available as a Calvary 101 course for you to become more acquainted with who we are and who you are. As you learn and develop, we also encourage self-assessment of your giftings to cultivate growth within our ministries.

JOIN US at: Currently Change classes are offered online in small group settings

As iron sharpens iron, So a man sharpens
the countenance of his friend.

– Proverbs 27:17

More ways to get involved


At CEC we believe in making a joyful noise unto our Lord.  At any given CEC service you may find a range of styles reflective of our diverse audience. Our Christian Music styles include Contemporary, Traditional, Tejano and Gospel.  Our music expresses our joy and gratitude for God’s love. We worship and offer praise to our God, whom all glory is due, Jesus!

C.H.A.N.G.E Classes

C.H.A.N.G.E ( Climbing Higher A New Growth Experience) classes are available as a Calvary 101 course for you to become more acquainted with who we are and who you are in Christ. As you learn and develop, we also encourage self-assessment of your gifting’s to cultivate growth within our ministries.

Altar Workers

The Altar Ministry exists to display extravagant love towards God’s people. Our Mission is to effectively minister to respondents of the Altar. An Altar Worker prays for others, and is sowing into the lives of those prayed for.

First Impressions Team

You never get a second chance to make a first impression, and we want others to feel welcomed at CEC Tucson. Our team consist of Ushers, Greeters, Parking Attendants and Security. 

Prison and Jail Outreach

Prayer and worship is needed by all of God’s children. Through our prison and jail ministries, we reach those who need to hear the word of God. Typically, we serve in-person in the jails and prisons. As a result of COVID-19, we are given the opportunity to share pre-recorded worship services with those incarcerated. We also connect with the families of those who are incarcerated, helping where we can.

Food Ministry

We come together to provide food for those in need and those in our communities. We actively seek ways to be a blessing to those who may be hungry.

Nursing Home

We meet with those who are in the final stages of their lives to pray, worship, bond, and build friendships. It is an honor to spend time with our elders, playing games and doing arts and crafts. Typically, our Nursing Home ministry is able to minister within the facilities on a monthly basis, outside of COVID-19 restrictions.


We share the unapologetic word of God and preach the gospel, empowered to achieve His will as sons and daughters of God all across the globe. We sponsor missionaries in Mexico, China, India, Croatia, Jamaica, and beyond.

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